Providing vacuum formed moulds for modellers since 1998
1:35 Scale Cobbled Main Roads

FL01 1:35 Cobbled side street & main road with tramlines. It can stand alone or FL01/FL02/FL03 can be joined together. £5.50
FL02 1:35 Cobbled main road with tramlines, pavement and shell crater. There is a pavement corner for joining to FL01. £5.50
FL03 1:35 Cobbled main road with tramlines, pavement & optional pavement grills. FL02 & FL03 have a "dead" area suitable for most Form-u-Lay buildings. £5.50
Each sheet is 380 x 200mm, and features cobbles, tramlines, subsidence and cracked paving. For variety, each sheet can be joined to its neighbour in two different ways. They are vac formed in 0.5mm matt white polystyrene for ease of modelling and painting.
1:35 Scale Dirt Roads

FL05 1:35 Dirt road T junction with ditches and tree stump £5.50
FL06 1:35 Dirt road T-junction with ditches and milestone £5.50
FL07 1:35 Dirt road extension for FL05 & FL06 £5.50
Each sheet is 380mm x 200mm and is formed in 0.5mm matt white polystyrene for ease of modelling and painting.
1:72 Scale Road Surfaces

FL20 1:72 Cobbled & tarmac main road with tramlines, two cobbled side streets, optional archway, pavements and "dead" area suitable for a building or ruin. £5.50
FL22 1:72 Cobbled & tarmac main road with tramlines, angled side street, pavements and ruined building £5.50
These sheets can be joined either end-on or side-by-side, the latter producing a wide main road. Each sheet is 380mm x 200mm and features cobbles, tramlines, subsidence and cracked paving. They are made in 0.5mm polystyrene.
Aircraft Tarmac/Concrete Sections

FL42 1:48 Western Tarmac Section 370mm x 200mm £5.00
FL43 1:72 Western Tarmac Section 370mm x 200mm £5.00
FL46 1:48 Soviet Tarmac Section with Hexagonal Sections 350mm x 200mm £5.00
FL47 1:72 Soviet Tarmac Section with Hexagonal Sections 350mm x 200mm £5.00
All have a tarmac/concrete texture, tar seams and earthing points and are formed in 0.5mm matt white polystyrene
To order any of the products on this page email us or phone on 01989 765557.
Further details are on the Contact page.