Here is a selection of photographs of models created using Form-u-Lay moulds.
Colour photographs are courtesy of John Owen Hughes.
FL53 and FL54 - Vignette Base and Building
FL90 - Two Storey Factory
FL89 - Ruined Farm Cottage with FL35 - Corrugated Roof
FL05, FL06 and FL07 - Dirt Roads
FL01, FL02 and FL03 - Cobbled Main Roads with FL90 - Two Storey Factory and FL91 - Traditional Inn
FL52 - Vignette Base and Building with FLR55 - Lampost and FLR52 - Squashed Barrel
FL93 - Bank/City Building
FL100, FL101 and FL102 - Factory
FL42 - Western Tarmac Section
FL05 - Dirt Road T Junction
FL01 - Cobbled side street and main road with tramlines
FL107 - German Pill Box (Pentagonal)
FL110 - German Flak Bunker
FL108 - German Flak Bunker