Instructions for Building
Moulds: Each section of building should be cut free from the sheet, leaving a
slight lip. Lay on a flat surface and fill with Plaster of Paris or similar
moulding material. Leave for about an hour before removing the casting from the
mould. This can be facilitated by splitting one or two of the corners of the
mould to make it peel more easily. These splits can be readily repaired with
sticky tape for further casting.
To prevent annoying bubbles appearing on the
surface of your casting, so prevalent on commercially made diorama buildings, we
recommend that before pouring the main body of the plaster, that a slightly
thinner mix be brushed on to the bottom surface of the mould and preferably be
allowed to half-set. This virtually eliminates bubbles!
120mm Building Mould

FL52 120mm Vignette base & building mould. This mould is formed in 0.5mm polystyrene and is designed for use with plaster of Paris. Base size is 255mm x 198mm £6.00
This mould has been designed to compliment various manufacturers' ranges of 120mm figures. Please also refer to the section of our catalogue entitled 120mm Diorama Accessories for our range of 120mm resin accessories.
1:35 Building Moulds

FL53 1:35 54mm Vignette Base/Mould. This can be used either as a base for a vignette or as a mould to create several bases. It is ideal for a small diorama, or, if cut in half, for two street corners for figure vignettes. It includes a cobbled T junction road with two pavement corners and two areas for parts of building ruins. £6.00
FL54 1:35 54mm Building Mould for above £6.00
These moulds are formed in 0.5mm polystyrene and are designed for use with Plaster of Paris.
1:35 Building Moulds

FL83 Railway Tunnel Entrance £6.00

FL85 Gunpit For German 88mm £6.00

FL86 Tent Set £6.00

FL87 Small Stone Bridge £6.00

FL88 Gunpit Diorama Base Circa 1800 £6.00

FL89 Ruined Farm Cottage £6.00

FL90 Two Storey Factory £6.00

FL91 Traditional Inn £6.00

FL92 Cemetery with grave stones £6.00

FL93 Bank/City Building £6.00

FL94 Church £6.00

FL95 Middle East Shop Front £6.00

FL96 Middle East Dwelling Flat £6.00

FL97 Tenement (Front) £6.00

FL98 Tenement (Sides) £6.00

FL99 Tenement (2nd & 3rd Floors) £6.00

FL100 Factory (Front) £6.00

FL101 Factory (Sides) £6.00

FL102 Factory (2nd & 3rd Floors) £6.00

FL103 British Pillbox - Hexagonal £6.00

FL104 British Pillbox - Rectangular (suitable for building into a slope or bank) £6.00

FL105 British Pillbox - Hexagonal £6.00

FL106 German Pillbox - Round £6.00

FL107 German Pillbox - Pentagonal £6.00

FL108 German Flak Bunker (has area suitable for flak gun) £6.00

FL109 German Flak Bunker - Hexagonal (has area suitable for flak gun) £6.00

FL110 German Flak Bunker £6.00

FL111 German Bunker for use with Pz.Kpfw 35 & 38t turrets (not included) £6.00

FL112 As FL111 but has rear entrance and MG slits £6.00
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FL24 Two Tunnel Entrances £5.50

FL23 Diorama Base including ruined house with rail embankment £6.00

FL48 WWII Fighter Dispersal Area £5.50